Pink is the one color in my closet that has taken over. Pink is an all-year color and comes in a variety of shades, from light to dark. As I have so many pink items, I had to learn how to style them all. Knowing what colors work with pink is a must.

You must pay attention to your chosen shade of pink when selecting colors for your pink clothing. It is best to pair pastels and blush pink with muted colors like white, light grey, or olive green. Darker or more vibrant shades of pink often look best when paired with darker colors, such as black, dark grey, or even red.

This article will show you the various colors you can wear with pink. You’ll learn which colors to avoid wearing with pink so that you don’t make fashion mistakes.

Why are pink clothes so popular

The popularity of pink has increased in recent years. Blush pink tones have become a must-have for everything from clothing to home decor, while fashion shows all around the world have shown that hot pink is a color trend. Why are pink clothes so fashionable?

Pink comes in such a wide range of shades and intensities that everyone can find a pink that suits them. Pink can be muted or bright, light or dark, soft or intense, whatever you prefer. Pink is often associated with women, but recent studies have shown anyone can wear it.

Pink’s popularity dates back to the 18th Century when it was a popular color for men’s clothing. In Europe, men wore pink silk suits with floral embroidery and other designs. It was only much later that the paint began to be associated more with women’s clothing.

Pink is a popular choice of color for everyday wear, and it will likely remain so. We recommend that you try something new and add this color to your wardrobe.

Pink and the Color Wheel

To determine which colors go well with pink, you should first look at where they are on the wheel. Artists often use color wheels to discover colors that work together and complement one another. The order of every color is shown around the circle. Colors will usually pair well with those to their left or right, as well as across the wheel.

It isn’t easy to describe pink because it is technically just a shade of red. Pink is created by adding white to a red color to make it lighter. Pink doesn’t always go with the same colors as red.

Orange and purple are the two colors immediately to the right and left of red. Orange and purple can be made by mixing red with another color. Orange is created by adding yellow, and purple by adding blue.

Since red is the original version, it pairs well with orange and purple. Pink is not always the same. These color combinations are not possible because pink is too different from red.

However, you can also try the complementary colors of red. Green is the opposite color of red and goes well with pink. This combination will create a great contrast with any outfit.

What colors go with pink clothes

Don’t worry if pink is difficult to match using the color wheel. Our list of colors that go well with pink clothing is below. This list contains a variety of neutrals, along with a few bright pops to brighten your look.


We’ve discussed that pink is created by mixing red and white. Red is a good color to pair with this shade of pink because it brings out the natural red tones. This can create a uniform color palette without making you feel like you are wearing monochromatic clothing.

It is helpful to match red with the pink shade you wish to pair it. Bright red goes well with bright pink, while maroon red is a good match for pink with a more muted tone. When styling pink, it’s important to remember that similar colors always go well together.


It’s not surprising that white pairs well with red since it is used to create this vibrant shade. White is often added to red in order to make this lighter shade that we love. White is a good option to pair with pink.

It is a neutral color that can be paired with almost any other shade. White is a neutral color that allows different colors to be the focus. You can use any pink shade you have.

If you want to avoid overwhelming these lighter shades, pair white with pastels or blush pink. White can be paired with neon pink or bright pink if you want to make these colors stand out without competing with other shades. Overall, white and bright pink are a great combination.


Black is the perfect neutral color to pair with pink. Black clothing pairs well with dark or neon pink clothes, creating a contrast that highlights the bright pink stains in your outfit.

Black can work with pastel pinks, but too light a shade can make the black look harsh. Black can make blush and other lighter shades look washed out, making pink colors look duller. If you are pairing black with pink, try to stick to the darker shades.

Wear a silky dark pink blouse with your favorite pantsuit. You can also add color by wearing a bright pink jacket with a black outfit. You can mix and match any pieces you want; pink and black go together.


Pink is a warm color because it’s created by combining red and white. Consider adding gold accents to your pink if you want a metallic color that will complement it. Gold accents will bring out the warmth of your pink clothing while adding some shine.

You don’t need to stop at gold jewelry to add a touch of glamour to your pink clothing. Consider wearing a pink dress along with your favorite gold heels and a matching gold handbag. You can also pair a sequined gold top or dress with a pink jacket or other pink accessories if you are feeling daring.

Gold is an excellent way to add some shine and elegance to your pink outfits. Do not be afraid to use gold accents in creative ways!

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