You may want to upgrade some worn-out t-shirts to black or find affordable black jeans for your new goth wardrobe. Maybe you’re looking for a stylish outfit to wear to a funeral. You can easily learn how to dye your clothes black in either case!

Can you dye black clothes

We’ll provide you with an unambiguous response: Yes!

It doesn’t matter what color your clothes are right now. It doesn’t matter if it’s white or pink. You can dye any black colored cloth. For example, your favorite pair of black jeans or an old dress.

Before anything else, you should know your fabrics

Before you begin to learn how to dye your clothing black, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the fibers of your clothing. It may seem obvious, but not all fabrics have the same qualities. Each type has its unique qualities and attributes.

Not all fabrics react the same way to dye. You must know the type of fabric that you are using to dye the fabric black.

Cotton: Take the risk. You can tie dye to your heart’s content.

Rayon or Nylon: These synthetic materials are rayon or nylon. They’re both porous and dyed well. These materials won’t shrink.

SilkSilk is a good fabric for taking colors, but it tends to shrink and lose its shine.

LinenLinen is also a good fabric for colors, but there may be some shrinkage.

WoolWool is a fiber that can be dyed perfectly well, but it may shrink and pill.

Acetate and Polyester: Polyester and acetate fabrics are the most difficult to dye because they have to be heated above boiling point (280 degrees). Home dyers cannot produce dark or vibrant colors on certain fibers. It’s not possible to dye them black or neon without a machine that can handle the high temperatures.

When dyeing fabrics, it’s best to avoid materials that are resistant to water or repellent. The dye will not adhere to these fabrics.

Washing Machine

Washing machines are the easiest way to dye clothing black. You don’t have to lift heavy wet clothes or stand in boiling water. The interior walls of your washing machine will be stained if you dye it. If you do not clean the machine after dyeing, the color could bleed onto other clothes the next time you wash them.

Read the instructions on the dye packet. Some fabrics will not become colorfast until you heat-set the material using the stovetop technique.

For cleaning your clothing, run it through the washing machine on a cycle with warm water and detergent.

Then, prepare the washing machine. Use the warmest possible water and let the engine run for as long as you can.

Refer to the instructions provided on the dye package for the correct amount of dye you need.

Combine the colors in four cups of water that is extremely hot.

Add 4 cups of hot water to 1 cup of table sea salt.

After adding the cloth, start the wash cycle.

If your machine has a dispenser for detergent, pour the salt first and then the dye. If not, place them in the main basin prior to starting the wash cycle.

To prevent color fading, wash the item in the washing machine by itself after the cycle has finished. Use a mild detergent.

Over the Stovetop

The best way to fix the black dye permanently into the fabric is by using high heat in a dye bath that’s boiling. This can be done on the stovetop!

Each type of dye will require a slight modification to the process. For example, dispersed pigments often require additional chemicals, like synthpop.

The basic idea remains the same. Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil on the stovetop. Add the clothing along with dye and possibly additional chemicals.

The steeping time can vary depending on the type and fabric of your garment. Both the dye and the material must be immersed in boiling water.

You’ll learn how to use RIT and Disperse Dyes on the stove in this section!

Rit Black Dye

The RIT company recommends that you make a few changes to the instructions for their products if you want to get a true black. You can find these modifications here!

Before you begin, check the label inside the garment to determine the type of fabric. Regular RIT dye works best on cotton. Rit DYEMore is also available as a replacement and can be used with polyester.

You can also use this dye in the bucket or washing machine. As you can see, RIT recommends hot water when using black paint.

You do not need to dry the garment after washing. The best fabric to dye is clean!

Find a large pot big enough to hold your clothes and several gallons at the same time. Place the pot over high heat and add half a cup of water.

When water begins to boil, it should be heated. Foamy bubbles will appear at the surface of the water when this happens.

Remember to double the amount of dye recommended on the package. This usually means using an entire dye bottle on each item of clothing.

To make a black cotton garment, add one cup of salt to the water once the dye is added. If you are dyeing wool or silk, use one cup of vinegar instead.

Then, add the garment. It would help if you left it in boiling water for at least 30 minutes, stirring frequently with a long-handled spoon.

RIT suggests that you add a step after the dyeing procedure is complete. This additional step is called a “color stay fixative.” This solution must be applied to the clothing before it is washed.

Procion Dye

Procion-reacting dyes are best for cellulose fibers and can attach chemically to the fabric without heat. This type of dye chemical is absorbed into the fibers, not just the surface. It produces a longer-lasting color.

Weigh your clothes. Notate the weight in grams of the clothing.

You can wash it in your washing machine. It can be washed in the same way as other clothing. Remove it from the dryer damp rather than drying it.

After that, the dye bath is set up. You’ll have to do the math. For every 100 grams in weight of your clothing, you will need two liters. If your jeans weigh 300 grams, you’ll need 6 liters of hot water in your bathtub or basin.

Salt the water as well as the color.

Then, add your clothes to the mixture. Allow it to soak for 30 minutes.

You must also include a fixer, which is a vital ingredient. This is often included with the dye, but you can also use soda ash.

Before adding the fixer to the solution, weigh it and stir it into a cup of warm water.

Allow the dye bath to sit for 45 minutes.

Rinse thoroughly the clothes in cold water until there is no color left on the garment.

The color will not be fully adhered to the fabric if you wash the item in hot water alone.

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