This post will show you how to remove acrylic paint from your clothes and your favorite outfit. These methods can be done with household products like baking soda, hairspray, and nail polish remover.

Here are some helpful acrylic painting resources to help you on your acrylic journey. Are you just getting started with acrylics? Check out this ultimate guide to acrylics. This 60+ Acrylic Painting Ideas is full of inspiration if you are looking for ideas. These 35+ Acrylic Painting Tips are chock full of easy and simple acrylic tips.

Here are some questions you may have about how to remove acrylic paint from clothing.

Acrylic Paint on Clothes: Is it Permanent

Acrylic paint can be easily removed while still wet. Acrylic is a quick-drying paint that, when dried, becomes permanently water-resistant and has a plastic finish. After they have dried, it is difficult to remove acrylics from clothes. There are still a few ways to remove dried paint.

The use of harsh chemicals (such as paint thinner, etc.) on clothes can damage them. On clothes, they can be damaged. You should test the solution in a small spot (spot-test) on your clothing. It’s important to know the type of paint that you are trying to remove. You would use different solvents for oil paint, acrylics, and latex paint.

Remove Wet Acrylic Painting

You will have better results if you remove acrylic paint as soon as possible. The best way to avoid a stain is to remove the paint when it’s still fresh.

Acrylic paints are water-resistant when they dry. This makes them harder to remove. You’ll first want to use warm, soapy water to remove the majority of the paint before it dries. Then, you can wash the remaining stain with a good detergent.

You can soak the clothes in water to make them softer until you have time to wash them. It will be more difficult to remove paint if you let it dry. It is beneficial to soak your clothes in water as it will remove all paint stains, even those that are in an unnoticeable area.

Remove Dry Acrylic Paint

You can try any of the following methods to remove paint from your clothing, such as your jeans. To prepare the fabric for the solution, use a razor or a blunt knife to remove as much paint as possible (without damaging it). The answers will then be able to absorb much more easily into the fabric, allowing the color to be removed.

How to Remove Acrylic Paint from Clothes Using Hairspray

Spray hairspray over the acrylic paint so that it is saturated with hairspray. After a few minutes, you can peel/scrape away the stain using a fingernail, an old toothbrush, or similar.

You can cover the paint again with hairspray and then peel the paint off if you see some remaining flecks.

You can wash the clothes to remove the hairspray once you are satisfied with the amount you have lifted.

Hairspray may damage some fabrics. Always test a small patch of material before spraying the entire piece.

How to Remove acrylic paint from clothes with baking soda

Baking soda is a simple and inexpensive way to remove acrylic paint from clothing.

Mix 1 cup of warm or hot water with one tablespoon of baking soda. Once the mixture has been well blended, you can start soaking your clothes or fabrics. Let the mix wash for 10 min. Rinse the mixture off with water or place it in the washing machine.

Can Vinegar remove paint from clothing?

Use household vinegar to remove paint from the fabric. One part white vinegar and ten parts water will make a solution. This solution should be blotted with a clean paper towel or cloth. Use cold water to sponge and then blot or machine wash.

Isopropyl Alcohol/Rubbing Alcohol To Remove Painting

Rubbing alcohol/Isopropyl Alcohol is another option. Alcohol-based cleaners also work well to remove spray paint from clothing. Saturate the staining area of the fabric with rubbing alcohol (using a cotton ball, etc.). Use an old toothbrush to scrub the alcohol in the stained area of the material. Continue cleaning the stain until it is removed. To remove the rubbing liquor, machine wash.

Using Nail Polish Remover (Acetone) To Remove Paint

The use of nail polish remover for acrylic paint/spray paint removal is similar to that of rubbing alcohol. Use nail polish remover to saturate the area and scrub it (using a dry, clean cloth or an old toothbrush) until you see the paint lifting. To remove nail polish remover, throw the clothes in the washing machine.

Avoid using nail polish removers (with acetone) on fabrics that contain acetate or Triacetate. Acetone can cause damage to these fibers.

Using Dish Soap / Dish Detergent

Use dishwashing detergent to remove acrylic paints from fabrics or other surfaces. With warm water, apply soap to the stain. Use an old toothbrush to scrub the color and create a lather. Rinse with warm water or wash in the machine.

Salt, Vinegar, and Ammonia solution

Make a cleaning solution scrub by mixing one tablespoon of ammonia with two tablespoons of Vinegar. This mixture should be applied to the stain and scrubbed until it is removed. The mixture can be rinsed out with warm water or by washing the clothes in the machine.

Hand Sanitizer

You can use hand sanitizer with isopropyl ethanol to remove acrylic paints. Hand sanitizer can be applied to the stain, ensuring it is fully covered. Then, use an old toothbrush to scrub away the stain. Then, wash the item in a washing machine.

Use Laundry Detergent

It is easy to remove paint from clothes using laundry detergent. This method is also safe. You can dilute your liquid detergent with a little water, especially if you are using it on delicate clothing. Pour warm water on the stain and apply laundry detergent or a soapy water mix. Use an old toothbrush to scrub and create a lather. Rinse with warm water or wash in the machine.

Hire a professional dry cleaner

You can also get them professionally cleaned if none of the methods above worked. Dry cleaners know how to remove paint from clothes. It may cost more, but they are experts in stain removal. The extra cost is worth it, especially if you have a lot of clothes.

How to remove acrylic paint from clothes

Here are seven tips to help you remove stubborn acrylic paint stains from clothing.

Wash acrylic paint from clothes as soon as possible while they are still wet.

Use a blunt knife or blunt object to scrape off the dried acrylic paint before applying stain solutions.

Soak your clothes in warm water if you are unable to clean them immediately.

Try professional dry cleaning if all else fails.

You can use an old toothbrush to scrub the stain with one of the cleaning solutions above.

Instead of throwing out clothes that are stained, you can use them to paint them.

Wash the item of clothing in a washing machine after removing paint stains.

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