Running barefoot in the grass and soaking up the sunshine is a great way to ground yourself. Spending a day in the grass can also leave behind pesky grass stains. Do you have a few green spots in your favorite jeans? How to restore your jeans’ original shine. Here are our top tips for removing grass stains from jeans.

How to remove fresh grass stains from jeans: Wash immediately

What do you do if your jeans have grass stains? Wash your jeans as soon as possible to remove grass stains. Did you know that grass stains contain a mixture of proteins, including green chlorophyll? Washing grass-stained jeans immediately will stop the color from settling deeper into the fabric. These proteins can dye your pants the same color as a pigmented color.

Keep a spot-removing pen handy if you plan to spend the warmer days on your lawn. As soon as you see the stain, dab it. After you enter the house, throw your clothes into the washing machine and set it on a cold cycle. Are you noticing grass stains for the first time on laundry day? We have some more tips to help you remove grass stains from jeans.

Four easy steps to remove grass stains from jeans

The more grass stains that remain on your jeans, the harder they are to remove. Unfortunately, some grass stains will stay on your jeans forever. However, you can still do everything possible to remove them. You can remove most grass stains from denim with a bit of work and some household products. Learn how to remove grass stains from jeans.

Let Your Jeans Soak

Fill your kitchen sink with water, or fill a rubber container and soak your denim. The temperature of the water is important for removing grass stains from jeans. The key is to use cold water, as heat will set the color. Consider the tie-dye method. You finish the process by washing the tee in hot water to set the dye. Avoid soaking your denim in boiling water to remove grass stains. Allow your jeans to soak for 30 minutes at room temperature or lower.

Treat Your Stain

After your jeans are submerged, treat the stain on a spot basis. You probably already have everything you need at home to remove grass stains from your jeans. Use a cotton ball, swab, or cotton ball to apply rubbing alcohol on your denim. Avoid rubbing the area and instead blot the alcohol. Scrubbing can embed the pigment into the fibers. This aggressive scrubbing may also damage denim and cause it to pill. After the alcohol has dried, wash your grass stain in cold water. You don’t have any rubbing alcohol? Instead, try vinegar. Continue reading to learn more about this tried and true method.

To remove grass stains from jeans, it is important to test the cleaning agent on a small area of denim. Fabric dyes react differently with different detergents and stain-removal products. Test in a hidden place, such as the fly zipper. If the spot shows any fading, it is zipped up.

Treat it again

Use an enzyme spot remover to treat stubborn grass stains. Enzyme laundry sprays can help break down the proteins in the grass, which is an organic material. These stain removers will do all the work for you, removing grass stains from your jeans. Spray OxiClean on your color and allow it to sit for the recommended time. Then, rinse your lawn stain in cold water. The spot is still there. Try again to remove grass stains from jeans using these steps.

You can hang your jeans up to dry

Denim stains and spots will appear different when it is wet. So, let your denim dry out. Check your jeans after they have been hung on the line to see if there are any stains from the grass. Are there any yellow or green tints left? Start with the first step and soak your jeans again. Or, you can try other methods. Toss your jeans in the washer for a final clean if they look like new. Then, dry them after a hot-water wash. Have you ever wondered about shrinking your jeans? The hot water will shrink rigid cotton denim into the desired fit.

How to remove grass stains from white denim jeans

Are outdoor activities on your schedule? You don’t have to give up your white jeans just because you are going on a picnic. Your laundry skills can handle accidental grass stains. Even your favorite white jeans can be cleaned of grass stains.

Submerge white jeans in white vinegar

What is the best way to remove grass stains from your lawn? Vinegar. The mild acidic properties in vinegar can dissolve stains. Too acidic soil will not allow grass to grow. The vinegar will disperse grass stains if they are in contact. Fill a bucket with one part vinegar and one part cool lukewarm water with one part each of the two ingredients to remove grass stains from white jeans. Let your denim steep for 30 minutes. If you want your white denim to stay crisp and clean, it is best to treat the entire garment rather than spot cleaning.

Bleach and Combat Set in Stains

It’s easy to use bleach on white jeans with lawn stains. The brightening agent will transform your white jeans from dull to new. Bleach is more harsh on fabrics than other cleaning agents. Add 1/2 cup bleach to your laundry detergent instead of treating it on the spot. Hot water can set in stains. Keep the water temperature low in case you can’t get your grass stain out with one wash.

Use the Power of the Sun

Take advantage of the sun’s natural brightness. Hang them to dry after you’ve treated the grass stain. The sun will brighten your white jeans and remove grass stains. The feeling of newly washed and sundried denim is like no other. These steps will ensure that your white jeans stay clean and fresh no matter what plans you have.

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