A hotdog with generous amounts of mustard has a certain appeal. But the mustard will never stay on a hotdog. It ends up on either my shirt or pants. I have bright yellow stains on my front. How can I remove them? How do I remove mustard from my clothes?

Remove mustard stains while they are still wet and fresh. If the clothing is washable, use a blotter to remove any excess mustard. Add Shout or Oxyclean, and then wash the garment. Only dry-clean clothes need to be brought to a professional dry cleaner. Or, you can use a dry cleaning solvent for a home, like Forcefield.

This article will teach you how to remove those irritating mustard stains. Learn what causes these yellow blobs and how to get rid of them for good.

Why does mustard stain clothes

It is due to the laws of physics that you are able to get mustard stains on your clothes. Isaac Newton was probably thinking of apples when he said, “What goes up must come down”; however, it is just as true for mustard.

Mustard is an excellent condiment to add flavor to your snacks. It’s delicious when it’s spread on cheese, but it’s also great when it’s applied on meaty snacks such as hotdogs or corndogs.

Gravity pulls the mustard downwards as you raise your tantalizing dish to your mouth. The semi-liquid dressing will slide right off the tasty treat onto your shirt or trousers. Or anything in its way. I’ve scraped mustard off my shoe top before.

When the yellow condiment gets on your clothing, things start to get messy. There are many ways. Gravity is no longer the issue. It’s absorption. We’re now entering the world of chemistry. Who knew mustard stains were so scientific?

It can absorb into your clothing, especially if it is made of natural fibers like cotton. The fibers in your clothes will absorb the yellow gloop that is oozing out between them like a sponge.

Why is it yellow? And why does it look so bright and striking? If we stay with science, the answer lies in mustard’s biological makeup.

Turmeric, also called Indian saffron or mustard seeds, is a spice found in mustard seeds. It can be used to make curry mixes, condiments, and teas. It’s a substance that is known to reduce inflammation and pain.

For this article, we are more interested in the color of the spice. Yellow Turmeric has been used for centuries as a natural dye. The warm golden color can be achieved by using it on cotton, wool, silk, and other fabrics.

Accidentally, you can also color things yellow. You may have noticed yellow stains after eating Indian curry. Turmeric is to blame. Turmeric can also turn your plates yellow.

The mustard is also a double whammy on your shirt. To boost the yellow color, extra turmeric is added to the condiment. Double the amount of yellow mustard, and you’ll see why yellow mustard stains are so vivid on your clothing.

Mustard Stains Are Permanent

Mustard stains do not have to be permanent. Turmeric is a temporary dye that causes mustard stains. The color will fade with time and repeated washing.

Those annoying yellow spots won’t go away quickly. For a while, you’ll be reminded of the tasty hotdog that was on your shirt. It’s best to remove the mustard from your clothing as soon as you see it. The quicker you clear the mustard, the better your chances are of eradicating the yellow danger for good.

It is possible to make mustard or turmeric stains permanent by accident. It’s all down to the way you wash your clothes. You should do some preparation before you throw your clothing into the machine. You should do this if you ate a mustard-covered hamburger for lunch.

If you forget to wash the item, make sure to double-check it before putting it in the dryer. Double-check the thing before you dry it if you wash it by mistake.

The dryer is notorious for permanently transforming any stain, even a mustard splodge. While turmeric is a temporary dye, using heat or a dryer can change this.

Prevent your mustard from being a constant reminder of past meals

When washing your clothes, be careful.

Sort your clothes and look for spots.

Before washing your clothes, treat any stains.

How to Remove Mustard from Clothes

You need to act fast while the mustard is still damp. First, you need to blot the mustard that is still dripping on your shirt. Don’t rub, though. It’s important not to spread the virus or stop its progress. You can use a tissue or a paper napkin.

Check the label to see if the garment can be washed. Only washable clothes can use the following remedies. You should not use them on garments that are only dry-cleaned. They could cause damage.

Distilled white vinegar and dish soap

You can’t use distilled white vinegar alone with mustard. Mustard contains vinegar. The stain will be lifted by adding vinegar to vinegar. It will spread the mustard further and thin it rather than remove it.

You can counteract this effect by using distilled white vinegar in combination with dish soap. You can use any dish detergent, including Dawn. The dish soap helps keep the vinegar under control.

Distilled White Vinegar

Dish soap


Blunt knife

Kitchen paper

Lukewarm water

Washing Machine

You can use your usual laundry detergent

Use a blunt knife to scrape off any mustard that is left over. This will prevent the mustard from spreading. Fill the cup with lukewarm, boiled water. It should be about one inch below the top. Add one teaspoon of dish soap and a tablespoon of white distilled vinegar. Stir the solution well until it’s mixed.

Massage the area with your fingertips after applying the solution. Let it soak for 30 mins. Once the 30 minutes have passed, dab the stain gently with kitchen paper. This will lift the mustard from the fabric. If the color doesn’t come off, soak it for ten more minutes.

As you dab, the stain will start to transfer onto the kitchen paper. Change the kitchen paper as soon as it becomes soaked. Continue wiping the paint and lifting it until there is no more.

Use your normal laundry detergent to wash your clothes. Check your clothes for any mustard residues after the wash cycle is complete. Allow the clothing to air-dry if they’re all gone. Do not use the dryer in case you have missed some.

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