It’s tasty but doesn’t look good on clothes, carpets, or furniture. It is true that soy sauce is dark and can highlight stains.

The sooner you start removing soy sauce stains from your clothes, the easier the job will be because the color won’t have time to set. This article will show you how to remove soy sauce from your clothes.

How to Remove Soy Sauce from Clothes

You’ll have to spend some time and energy in order to remove a stain from soy sauce. This is how to remove soy sauce stains from clothing.

A paper towel is a good way to remove any soy sauce that may have gotten on your hands. Blot the area with a napkin or clean cloth. Rubbing the stain can cause it to become harder to remove. Avoid this at all costs.

Use ice-cold, lukewarm water to finish the rinse. To prevent soy sauce drying, rinse the stain using cold water. Wash the clothing in cold water to stop the paint from spreading further into the fabric.

Liquid laundry detergent can be used to remove stains on the spot. Use your fingers and thumbs to wipe the liquid detergent into the gentle paint. After three minutes, rinse the stain thoroughly.

To remove stains, use hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice to bleach the color. Before bleaching the fabric with lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, or vinegar, check its colorfastness and whiteness. This should not be done on materials that are bright, patterned, or non-colorfast. Alternatively, use liquid laundry detergent with bleach. Rinse thoroughly in between each application. Rinse the gently cloth to remove any remaining stains. Try lemon juice or distilled white vinegar instead of chlorine bleach on soy sauce stains. These eco-friendly natural products do not harm the environment.

If the stain is persistent, soak the item. Use liquid laundry detergent with warm water to remove a stain. After using a stain-remover, wash the item with the warmest water possible.

Check if the stain has been completely removed after washing the garment but before you put it in the dryer. The color will become more difficult to remove if you continue to dry the garment in the dryer. If a color remains visible after cleaning, repeat the procedure.

How to Remove BBQ Sauce from Clothes

Sometimes, soy sauce is added to barbecue sauces that are used to marinate the meat. While it can enhance the taste of food, cleaning up any spills on clothes or carpets is a hassle. Fortunately, removing stains caused by BBQ sauce from clothing is easy with a few simple home remedies. Here are some tips on how to remove BBQ sauce from clothing.

After pre-treating the stain with lemon or vinegar, let it sit for five minutes. If necessary, use a toothbrush to press the color gently.

After 5 minutes, rinse with water and check that the acid is not damaging the cloth.

Pre-treating the stain will usually loosen it enough to be removed by rubbing it with detergent or washing it in the washer.

Hang the garment up to dry if the stain has not been removed. You risk setting the color if you dry it in your machine.

Remove Soy Sauce From White Clothes

To remove sauce from white clothes, you will need to use bleach.

If you prefer, you can use any detergent, but bleaching will remove the stain faster.

Apply powder or gel detergent directly to the stain, then rinse it away.

For best results, soak it in water for several hours.

To remove the soy sauce stains quickly, use a concentrated cleaner. Spraying it on the paint will make it pale immediately.

Use washing powder and warm tap water to remove the stain after spraying.

If the stain is old or difficult, there are some additional steps you can take.

Add a liquid dishwashing to warm water.

Use a small amount of liquid soap directly on the stain. Let the fabric soak in the tub for a few hours, and then squeeze the excess water out.

Let the hydrogen peroxide sit on the stain for 30 minutes before you rinse it properly.

Use colorfast bleach during the washing cycle. Check to see if stains have been removed before putting the fabric into the dryer.

Ammonia is a great way to clean your home

Combine the following ingredients to prepare an ammonia solution:

Half a cup of alcohol

Ammonia is one teaspoon.

One tablespoon of regular gasoline. One tablespoon of regular gasoline

Apply the mixture and let it dry completely before washing away the residue.

Use Oxalic Acid

Acid can dissolve stains when it penetrates the fabric. Mixing water and oxalic acids can help remove stubborn stains.

Pour one teaspoon of acid into a glass full of water, and then pour that into the basin containing the stained clothes.

After soaking for an hour, the stains from soy sauce will become less noticeable. You can then wash your items in the washer to remove them completely.


To remove the stain, rub some liquid glycerin onto it.

After 20 minutes, use a washing powder or gel and cold water to remove the stain.

Add one teaspoon of ammonia to four tablespoons of glycerin for improved effectiveness.

After applying the mixture, wait 15 minutes before rinsing.


Soaking the cloth in vinegar can help remove the remaining sauce. In this case, vinegar does not clean but is a booster of the primary detergent.

If you soak your clothing in washing detergent and add some vinegar, the stain will be much easier to remove.

Vinegar shouldn’t be applied directly to the stain. A concentrated solution can lighten the paint and remove its color.

Can Soy Sauce Stains be removed

Soy sauce stains are not permanent. When used in a condiment form, soy sauce leaves a brownish color on light or white-colored clothing. The color should be removed as soon as you can.

What stains does soy sauce leave on clothes

It is difficult to remove a soy sauce stain from your clothing if it has been recently spilled. The color will be easier to remove if it is fresh.

Remove Soy Sauce Stains From Upholstery

It’s not fun to have a soy sauce stain on your furniture, especially if it is light-colored. Now, let’s see how to remove soy sauce from fabric.

Be careful not to spread the stain. Blot up any excess soy sauce on the upholstery.

Mix one tablespoon of liquid dishwashing with two cups of ice-cold water to make a solution.

After the solution has been prepared, use a white towel or cloth. Use a soft brush to scrub away any soy sauce stains. Rinse the excess liquid off, and then use a fresh white towel or cloth.

Blot the area to remove any moisture.

After the stain is removed, use a white towel or cloth to blot the area dry.

Avoid getting the upholstery any wetter when you remove the soy sauce stain.

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