It can be tiring to wash clothes every weekend. Even worse, if the clothes have a strong urine smell. You can’t just throw them in the washer and expect it to do the job. It is important to know how you can remove the smell of urine from clothes.

What is Urine

All living creatures, whether they are humans or animals, need to urinate. The urine is a liquid waste that both humans and animals must secrete on a regular basis. It is made up of water and waste products that are released by the kidneys as they have to go through a cleansing process.

Use Bleach to Get Rid of Urine Smell

The pungent urine smell can be removed from clothes by soaking in Bleach. These simple steps will help you get rid of the odor from your clothing.

Rinse with cold water

Rinse the clothing with cold water to start cleaning it. It is best to wash the clothes with running water, as this will give you full power to remove the urine stain. This should be done for 3 to 4 full minutes.

Use a blotter to absorb the urine stain

After removing the urine, use a paper towel or cloth to wipe off the affected area. Avoid rubbing the area, as this may bring the urine odor back into the material. You can continue to wash it under cold running water if necessary.

Bleach Soak

You can use oxygen bleach or chlorinated for colored clothing. Use the right Bleach for each garment in order to avoid discoloration.

Always wear rubber gloves to ensure your safety and to avoid damaging your skin. Fill a large basin with half a cup of bleach and water, and then mix well.

Let it soak for a while

Let the clothes soak in the bleach solution in the tub for 3-4 hours. This timeframe varies depending on the size and material of the urine stain. Colored clothes should only be immersed in the solution for three hours. White garments, however, can be soaked all night.

Use Laundry Detergent and Bleach to Wash Clothes

It would be best if you washed your clothes as you normally do. In the washing machine, add the correct amount of laundry and Bleach to lukewarm lukewarm. Let it spin. Bleach will break down the stain and eliminate the bad smell.

Vacuum Clothes After They Have Dried Naturally

It is best to allow the clothes to dry naturally, with the sun and air. Hang the clothing that has been stained with urine in an area where there is ample air circulation and a lot of sunlight. Last but not least, vacuum up the clothes.

Avoid using the tumble dryer to skip this natural process. The smell will get worse as the heat of the tumble dryer can make the fabric saturated with the scent, making it harder to remove.

Vinegar Method to Get Rid of Urine Smell

Wash your clothes with distilled white vinegar to get rid of that pungent urine smell.

Use distilled white vinegar to clean urine-stained clothes

Mix a cup or more of white vinegar filtered with three cups of water and one cup of detergent to create a solution.

The amount of distilled white vinegar that you mix depends on how strong the smell is and how long it has been stained. The longer the urine stain has been blotted, the more it needs to be soaked.

Vinegar, a natural product, can remove the pungent smell that is caused by the uric acid that has been persistently remaining in the fabric.

Use Baking Soda

If the odor is not strong, you can skip the application of baking soda. If the smell is strong and the urine stain is severe, you’ll need baking soda.

Baking soda can be applied directly to the affected area or mixed with vinegar. Both components will work together to get rid of the odor.

Wash the urine-stained clothing in the washing machine

The second and final step to removing urine odor from your clothes is to wash them in the washer. Use lukewarm or cold water, but never hot or warm. This will make the fabric smell even worse. Avoid using laundry soap.

Allow your clothes to dry naturally

No matter if you choose to use a clothesline or a dryer for your clothes, be sure to let your clothing air dry in a large open area or your backyard.

Use an Enzymatic Detergent

You can find enzymatic cleaners in the cleaning aisle at every supermarket. Enzymatic detergents are often used to remove protein-based stains, such as stools, blood, and urine.

Check to Make Sure it Can be Used for the Washing Machine

One is a liquid; the other is a powder. Make sure you are using the right detergent for your washing machine.

You can check the manual to determine the amount of detergent that you should put into the washer compartment. This product is designed to bring back the robust and old smell.

Toss your clothes in the washer and let it spin

It is a stage of trial and error as you have to go through the entire process until the foul odor is gone.

Double-check your clothing labels for instructions on how to care for them and the recommended temperature of water.

You can hang your clothes to dry

You can also hang your clothes outside to dry naturally. Repeat the process if you still detect urine.

Why does urine smell bad

There are many reasons why our urine smells pungent. Foods are usually the reason why our urine smells foul.

Foods high in sulfur, such as broccoli and cauliflower, can also cause a change in smell. Dehydration can also cause your urine to smell like ammonia if you don’t drink enough water.

Note that a foul smell in your urine could indicate health issues such as UTI or bladder infection. It may also be a sign of diabetes, metabolic disease, or metabolic disorders. It is best to consult a doctor if the symptoms do not disappear and the smell does not fade.

How to Remove the Urine Smell from Clothes

It is only because you have left it out for a long time that the smell of urine can be difficult to remove. If you notice that your clothing has urine stains, remove it immediately.

Avoid Urine Accidents

Avoiding urine accidents is the best thing to do. The urine odor is very strong and persistent. The stain may be gone, but the awful smell will take a while to disappear. The urine smell will persist if the air is moist.

The Surface Should Be Cleaned Immediately

As soon as you notice that the clothing has been stained with urine, it is important to clean the area immediately. You can either blot the urine with paper towels or you can use a cotton cloth to absorb it.

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