Your clothes’ worst enemy is stains. A patch of turmeric is the most difficult to remove. Although turmeric is a great ingredient for making dishes taste better, the color it leaves on clothes can be unpleasant. We’re here, however, to ease your concerns if you have a yellow tint on your clothing. How to remove yellow stains on your clothing.

The most common method to remove turmeric stains is with a liquid detergent. Powdered detergents can be a good alternative, but liquid detergents dissolve easily in water and work better to remove stains. What detergent should you use to remove stubborn stains from your clothes? Surf Excel Matic Liquid is always available. It is a trusted and reputable brand that works well to remove stains. Before you use any stain-removal method, make sure to check the type of fabric that the color is on.

Quick & Safe Turmeric Stain Removal

Check the label on your clothing before you begin to wash it. This label is the small white tag that’s attached to your fabric. Check which method will work best for your material. Many delicate fabrics are sensitive to bleaching. You can safely remove turmeric stains on your clothes by knowing what type of fabric you have and the cleaning method that is best for it.

Pre-treating Turmeric Powder Stains

If turmeric is not properly treated, it can leave a yellow stain on any fabric. The chemical curcumin is responsible for the vibrant yellow hue of this spice. Curcumin is insoluble in water. Turmeric stains are difficult to remove because of this. If you accidentally get turmeric powder onto your cloth, be sure to brush it off completely. A common mistake is to hold the fabric under water immediately, which can make it even more difficult to remove.

After removing the excess turmeric powder, add a few drops to your favorite liquid laundry detergent and rub it on the stain. Rub the detergent on the stain with your fingertips in circular motions, and then wash it off using clean water. Repeat this step if the color remains.

Pre-treating Oil Based Turmeric Stains

It is a nightmare to get an oil-based stain of turmeric on your clothes. It is liquid and spreads quickly, leaving a yellowish color. If you have an oil-based paint of turmeric on your cloth, dab it first with a paper towel or tissue paper. It would be best if you only wiped at the stained area and not rub it. This will spread the stain, which we want to avoid.

After thoroughly dabbing, use corn flour to cover the stain. The corn flour will stop the color from spreading or staying on your fabric for a long time. Let the corn flour sit on the paint for around 20 minutes before treating it with liquid detergent.

You can also substitute lemon juice for corn flour in the event that you accidentally spill finger-licking curry at a party or restaurant. Lemon juice is a mild bleach that helps remove turmeric stains. After applying lime juice to the color, let it sit for 15 minutes and then dab with a wet cotton pad. You can wash the cloth at home with detergent to remove the oil-based stain.

Turmeric stain removal from white clothes

We have already seen how difficult it is to remove turmeric stains. Pre-treating both powdered and oil-based paints was also discussed. The removal method may differ depending on the color of your fabric, as well as the type. Here, we will discuss how to remove yellow stains from fine white clothes.

Ingredients Checklist

Cold water

Baking Soda

Bleach-based detergent

Mild laundry detergent

Dishwashing liquid

White vinegar

Checking the fabric care tag

Check the tag on the inside of the cloth or the label that says “fabric care” to determine if it is resistant to bleach. This bleaching method can damage delicate fabrics such as wool and silk. You can proceed with the next step once you have confirmed that your fabric resists bleach.

Remove the stain

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, if it is powdered turmeric that caused the stain, you should brush it thoroughly. This step can be done with a nylon bristle brush. Pour 4-5 drops of liquid detergent directly on the color and rub in circular motions with your fingertips. Then, rinse it with plain water and cold. If the color is very dark, repeat this step.

For oil-based turmeric stains, on the other hand, you can dab the area with a piece of paper towel. (Remember not to rub the color). After that, sprinkle some baking soda over the stain and leave it for one hour. As the baking soda works to remove your stain, prepare a solution. Take 1/2 a cup of water, add 1/2 cup white vinegar, and one teaspoon of dishwashing soap. Spray this solution onto the stain covered in baking powder to dampen it. Rub the area with your fingertips for 2-3 minutes, and then wash it in clean, cold water.

Bleach Solution Soaking

If the stain is still there, mix half a cup of bleach with your bucket full of cold water. Rin Ala bleach is readily available and is a great option for removing stains from white clothing. Be sure to follow the instructions on the bottle to determine the amount of bleach to use. Also, never use bleach on colored dresses. This solution of bleach and water can be used to soak your garments stained with turmeric for 20 minutes.

Double Soaking

You can double-soak the fabric if there is a stain. After thoroughly rinsing your garment with cold water, soak it in a solution of 1/2 bucket cold water plus 1 cup baking soda overnight.

How do you wash the clothes

After you’ve completed the steps above, wash the cloth as usual and let it air dry. By now, you can expect to see the yellow stain on your fabric completely gone.

Use White Vinegar to Remove Stains

This alternative method will work if you have a delicate white cloth and it does not allow you to use the bleach stain-removal method. It is a mild and effective method to use white vinegar for turmeric stain removal. This method is ideal for fabrics such as silk, linen, and other soft materials.

Create the Stain Remover Solution

Mix two tablespoons of white vinegar and one tablespoon of dishwashing liquid in a bowl that is clean and dry. Apply to the stain. After 30 minutes, wash off with cold water.

After-treatment with Laundry detergent

Add 2-3 drops of your favorite laundry detergent to a bucket full of clean, cold water if the stain is faded but not gone. Test the suitability by applying a little product to an inconspicuous part of the cloth. After soaking your stained fabric for 30 minutes in the solution of water and detergent, wash it with cold running water. Let it air dry as you would with any other clothes after rinsing.

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